José Luis Couoh

(Tekax, Yucatan, 1963)

Visual artist who from an early age showed his talent for drawing and painting. At the age of 16, he entered the Center for Artistic Education, INBA, and later at the State Center for Fine Arts.

Interested in handling various painting and drawing techniques, but with a special inclination for impasto and spatula, José Luis Couoh is characterized by his landscapes of the Yucatecan countryside, although on occasions, he ventures into the human figure.

With 6 individual exhibitions and more than 40 collective ones, his work has led him to appear in his native state, Campeche, Quintana Roo, as well as in Amsterdam, New York, New Delhi, Amsterdam and Paris. He obtained an honorable mention in the I Biennial of Painting of the Southeast "Joaquín Clausell" (1993).

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