Javier Barrera

He is a professor at the main universities in the southeast of the country, he was a guest workshop speaker at the FINI 2017 international image festival and has been a beneficiary of FONCA in 2004 with the project "Hechizos de agua y sal" and municipal scholarships for the arts. visuals of Mérida in 2014 with "Mandalas de ciudad" and 2017 with the proposal "Morfalia, parallel city".

He has made more than 50 exhibitions in Mexican galleries, as well as in countries such as Spain, Italy, France, the United States and Cuba. In the city of Mérida we can highlight the most recent ones: “Grao” held at the Lux perpetua Art Center, “Morfalia, parallel city” at the Mérida Olimpo Cultural Center and “Physis at the Joaquín Clausell Art Center in Campeche Camp.

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