
john village

(Juan Pablo Quintal)

Merida 1982

He studied Social Communication at the University of Mayab (Anáhuac) with the idea of ​​being a film director, however, his vocation led him to the path of painting, Juan left aside the elites where he studied and became "People", reviewing and capturing everyday Yucatan scenes with a Pop style.

These peculiarities have led him to exhibit in various galleries in the southeast of the country and in the Museum of the City of Mérida...

meet the artist

Sergio Pech

Graduated from the State School of Fine Arts, he has studies in drawing, serigraphy, sculpture and engraving. Sergio Pech plays with the whimsical and fantastic figurative art that invites us to participate in a social critique, preserves the images of its traditional landscape and its ancestral people, with a contemporary style; An example of this are the female or mestizo figures present in his works dressed in a simplified version of the hipil, the typical native clothing of Yucatan women...

meet the artist

Jose Luis Couoh

Visual artist who from an early age showed his talent for drawing and painting. At the age of 16, he entered the Center for Artistic Education, INBA, and later at the State Center for Fine Arts. Interested in handling various painting and drawing techniques, but with a special inclination for impasto and spatula, José Luis Couoh is characterized by his landscapes of the Yucatecan countryside, although on occasions, he ventures into the human figure...

meet the artist

Ariel Guzmán

Graduate in Visual Arts (National School of Painting "La Esmeralda", Mexico, DF) and Graduate in Graphic Design with a specialty in experimental photography and 16mm animated film (University of Hessen, Germany). In 1985, he was awarded a scholarship in Environmental and Furniture Design by the SEP-INBA (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)...

meet the artist

Javier Barrera

He is a professor at the main universities in the southeast of the country, he was a guest workshop speaker at the FINI 2017 international image festival and has been a beneficiary of FONCA in 2004 with the project "Hechizos de agua y sal" and municipal scholarships for the arts. visuals of Mérida in 2014 with "Mandalas de ciudad" and 2017 with the proposal "Morfalia, parallel city"...

meet the artist
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